The March 9, 2020 monthly HARC meeting at Agape House was cancelled and was instead held on the .02 repeater due to fear of the spreading COVID-19 virus. The net was convened by Dennis McKenry at 19:00.

February meeting minutes and Treasurer’s Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso a couple of hours before the net. 


Guests:  None

New Members: None

Treasurer’s Report

Jeff K. read the Treasurer’s Report to the net.  Checking account in good standing with a balance of $2,048.83.  

Ongoing Business

  1. Motion to vote on the February meeting minutes at the next monthly Club meeting was made by NB7O.  Seconded by W7OLI. Motion passed by consent.

New Business

  1. Hermiston School District has donated a surplus computer to the HARC.  Jeff K. proposed that we connect it to the 450 machine using W7JJK’s Yaesu HRI-200 modem and Yaesu FTM-400XDR radio so that repeater users can connect to the Yaesu WIRES network .  Further discussion to be had at the next meeting.
  2. Jeff K. said that the Hermiston SD will be donating some number of surplus computers in the near future.  Members should consider what use the Club might have for those computers.
  3. Jeff K. would like to compile and publish an agenda before each HARC monthly meeting.  AA7DD proposed that KJ7MI and KI7CUS generate the agenda. W7JJK to develop agenda and send to KJ7MI and KI7CUS for approval.
  4. Emery said he met a ham from Irrigon who needs help with his HF radio and asked if there are any HARC members who would be willing to help him out.   KD7VX said that he’d be willing and that Emery should contact him via telephone in case he’s needed.
  5. Dennis asked the net if any members had equipment that they’d like to trade or sell. No responses heard.
  6. Election for the Director #1 position was postponed until the next monthly Club meeting.

Net adjourned by Dennis McKenry at 19:38.

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK

March 2020 Meeting Minutes

Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District