The January 13, 2019 meeting at Agape House was cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.  The following is a summary of the Club’s radio net that took place at 7PM the same day on the .02 repeater, which replaced the monthly meeting.

December meeting minutes distributed via email before the net by KI7CUS.  Approval of December minutes to be voted on at the next monthly Club meeting.

Introductions:  Guest KJ7KOC checked into the net for the first time, but was experiencing some technical problems that prevented her participation.

Treasurer’s Report

KI7CUS emailed the January Treasurer’s Report to the club’s email group before the net.  Checking account in good standing, balance $2,488.83.

Ongoing Business

  1. A vote on three proposed amendments to the Club’s by-laws was postponed until the next meeting.

New Business

  1. President Jeff Sak asked that the Club discuss the possibility of amending the by-laws to eliminate the need for a vote by Club membership for every business-related Club expense.  Discussion scheduled for the February Club meeting.
  2. Jeff Kelso asked for a vote of the membership on the net to approve payment of a $50 invoice from the Oregon Secretary of State’s office for renewal of the Club’s non-profit business license.  Vote was approved unanimously without a roll-call vote. Members present on the net were as follows: AA7DD  KI7CUS KB7CKJ  KE7YX KJ7MI W7OLI  KJ7KOC W7JJK KE4TRR KD7VX
  3. Don Drayton notified the membership that the possibility exists that he and his family might soon be relocating to the East Coast.  In preparation for that possibility, Don asked that the Club initiate the process of replacing his name on the Club’s FCC license with that of another member.  Discussion scheduled for the February Club meeting.
  4. Emery Heintz was concerned that the Club’s temporary decommissioning of the .16 repeater from the coal-fired plant might lead to the loss of the frequency by the entity that coordinates these things.  Discussion scheduled for the February Club meeting.
  5. Ian Powell proposed that a sign-up spreadsheet be implemented to allow members to sign up to act as net control for the Club’s weekly nets.  Member reaction was mixed, but the proposal bears further discussion, preferably at a monthly Club meeting.

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK

January 2020 Net Meeting Minutes
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Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District