The February 10, 2020 meeting was called to order by President Jeff Sak at 18:56.

December and January meeting minutes distributed.  December minutes amended to reflect that Jeff Sak took two Club oscilloscopes and Whitley took one.  A motion was made to approve the amended December minutes by Ian and seconded by Ken. Motion approved. January minutes were amended to add Whitley’s callsign to Ongoing Business item #2.  A motion was made to approve the amended January minutes by Whitley and seconded by Ian. Motion approved.

Introductions:  None

New Members: Christine Sabri, KJ7KOC and Nate Stephens, KJ7KVK joined the Club at this meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

Jeff K. read the Treasurer’s Report to the club’s email group before the net.  Checking account in good standing with a balance of $2,358.83.  

Ongoing Business

  1. President Jeff Sak asked that the Club discuss the possibility of amending the by-laws to eliminate the need for a vote by Club membership for every business-related Club expense.  Jeff K. to compile a list of annual business expenditures for approval by club membership at one meeting in December.
  2. Don Drayton notified the membership on the January 13 net that the possibility exists that he and his family might soon be relocating to the East Coast.  In preparation for that possibility, Don asked that the Club initiate the process of replacing his name on the Club’s FCC license with that of another member.  Motion made by Whitley Smith to put W7JJK on the license. Seconded by Chuck Barnes.
  3. Emery was concerned that the Club’s temporary decommissioning of the .16 repeater from the coal-fired plant might lead to the loss of the frequency from the entity that coordinates these things.  Discussion took place and the issue was referred to the Repeater Committee to make a proposal for membership approval.
  4. Ian Powell had proposed using a spreadsheet for rotating net control. It was decided to keep the status quo.
  5. A vote was taken on three amendments to the Club’s by-laws as proposed by J. Kelso.  All three amendments passed.  
    1. By-laws amendment #1 motion to approve made by Chuck.  Seconded by Emery. Motion approved.
    2. By-laws amendment #2 motion to approve made by Whitley.  Seconded by Emery. Motion approved.
    3. By-laws amendment #3 motion to approve made by Emery.  Seconded by Ian. Motion approved.

New Business

  1. Dennis spoke about the Umatilla County EOC activation in Pendleton and related some of the activities some members had engaged in during the flooding event.  Disaster has been declared in Umatilla, Wallowa, and Union Counties.
  2. Emery made a motion that the Club purchase a DR-1X refurb unit for $400.  Seconded by Whitley. Motion approved.
  3. Jeff K. made a motion to buy a second DR-1X refurb repeater for $400 .  Seconded by Ian. Motion approved. Consensus is to put the .16 back on Carney Butte.  Whitley to talk to Don about how to get a repeater installed on Carney Butte.
  4. Jeff K. proposed giving the second PO box key to another member.  Dennis was the lucky recipient.
  5. Whitley gave a second repeater shack key to Jeff Sak.
  6. Jeff K. proposed that we advertise Club meetings under the “Community Meetings” section of the EO.  After hearing no objections, Jeff K. is to contact the EO to get Club meetings into the paper.
  7. Members are to look at the Club website and make recommendations for improvement at the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned by Jeff Sak at 19:54.

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK

February 2020 Meeting Minutes

Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District