We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of the association of persons commonly interested in amateur radio, constitute ourselves the Hermiston Amateur Radio Club and enact this set of by-laws as our governing document. It shall be our purpose to further exchange of information and co-operation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, and to so conduct club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community.


All persons interested in amateur radio communication (i.e. radio communications between amateur stations for personal aim and without pecuniary interest) shall be eligible for membership.


SECTION 1: The officers of the club shall be President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer.

SECTION 2: No member shall be placed in nomination if he/she is not present at the time of the nominations, or if unable to be present has given his/her consent in writing, signed and dated prior to his/her nomination. This document will be present at time of nomination to have his/her name placed in nomination for such office. Nominating party will make only one nomination per office per election. No person shall be nominated for more than one elected office during an election.

SECTION 3: The officers of this club shall be elected for a term of one year by ballot of members present, provided there be a quorum, at the regular November meeting. Absentee ballots are available to members unable to attend the meeting at which club officers are elected. Absentee ballots must be requested at least one week prior to the election and must be returned by the day of the election. Nominations will be closed one week prior to the election. Elections will be conducted during the normal monthly meeting.

SECTION 4: Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by appointment and approval of the membership at the first regular meeting following withdrawal or resignation.

SECTION 5: Officers may be removed by three-fourths vote of the membership.

SECTION 6: No officer, with the exception of the Secretary/Treasurer and the Board of Directors, will hold the same elective office for more than four consecutive terms.

SECTION 7: No person shall hold an elected office or nominated to an office, that is not in good standing. A member in good standing is defined as a member current in their dues for a period of one year and has attended 8 or more regular monthly club meetings during the present year.


SECTION 1: The President shall preside at all meetings of this club and conduct the same according to the rules adopted. He/She shall enforce the observance of these by-laws, decide all questions of order, sign all official documents that are adopted by the club, and none other, and perform all customary duties pertaining to the office of President.

SECTION 2: The Vice President shall serve as activities manager and shall assume the duties of the President in his absence.

SECTION 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a record of all proceedings of all meetings, keep a roster of members and record their attendance, review applications for membership information accuracy, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting and mail written meeting notices when appropriate. He/She shall pay no bills without proper authorization by the club. At the first club meeting of each calendar year, He/She shall submit an itemized statement of disbursements and receipts. No other member of the Secretary-Treasurer’s household or family may hold any other club office with the exception of Board of Directors.


The by-laws shall provide for regular and special meetings. At meetings, one elected officer excluding the secretary and five members current in their dues shall constitute a quorum.


The club, by 2/3-membership vote, may levy upon the membership any dues and assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the organization within its objectives as set forth in the preamble. Non-payment of such assessments shall be cause for expulsion from the club with the discretion of the membership. Dues are due at the first meeting of the calendar year. No club member may have his or her dues waived for more than one year at a time by a vote of the clubs membership. An annual report must be  submitted of activities provided to the club in exchanged for waived dues.


These by-laws may be amended by a majority of those members present. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting, and shall be voted on at the following regular meeting, provided all members have been notified by mail, e-mail, telephone or radio of the intent to amend the by-laws at said meeting.


The current Roberts Rules of Order shall govern proceedings.


MEMBERSHIP: Full membership is open to any licensed amateur. Associate membership is open to anyone who does not choose to be a full member. Associate membership includes all club privileges except the rights to hold office and to vote on club business and elections. Family Memberships: Each family member in the household, who has an amateur license will be entitled to full voting privileges.


MEETINGS: Regular meetings shall be held monthly, on a day, time and place that the President shall order. Special meetings may be called by any five club members in good standing by petition to the President. Notice shall be given to members concerning special meetings and the business to be transacted, and only such business designated shall be transacted. Notice will be given to all members at least 24 hours before meeting time.


SECTION 1: BOARD of DIRECTORS: The Board of Directors will be full members and cannot hold a regular club office. Board members will be current with membership dues at all times. One Chairperson will be elected each year in March for a term of three years. The Board shall consist of: Position 1 (Chairman), Position 2 and Position 3. The Board of Directors will have the power to dissolve and/or reinstate the club should it be necessary in the case of Club Offices and membership failure to maintain the club in an active status. In the case of dissolving the club the Directors will have the authority to sell and/or distribute club assets and funds set by the provision in the Articles of Incorporation.

The Board of Directors monitor club activities to insure it is conducted in accordance with the club bylaws.

If a member is an elected club officer, he/she may hold that office until elected to a Board of Directors position and will resign from that office in writing when elected to a Board of Directors position.

SECTION 2: A Club Radio License Trustee shall be appointed and approved by the membership. The Radio License Trustee will maintain the club license and callsign, and monitor all club activities to insure the club performs all operations
and actions in accordance with current FCC rules and laws.


Inventory and Review of club assets.

SECTION 1: Physical inventory: The Vice President will conduct an inventory of all club assets on even number years. The inventory will be completed by 1 December of that year. The Board of Directors will monitor and review the physical inventory. The inventory will be recorded by club secretary and placed into the club records. This process will be completed by the end of that year. The current inventory listing of club assets will be available at all times for review by club members.

SECTION 2: Club assets will include those items rented, leased and purchased by the club or donated to the club. When these assets are of no further use or value to the club they shall be sold, traded or stored and the inventory adjusted to show the change in status of these items.

SECTION 3: Club assets shall be for the use of club members only and will remain the property of the club.

Appendix A: Annual Dues
1. Full membership $25. 00
2. Family membership $30.00
3. Associate membership $15.00
4. Student (21 and under) $ 5.00
5. Senior (65 and over) $20.00
6. Senior Family $25.00
7. Late or prorated current years dues (dues paid after the month of June) will be 1/2 the current years dues plus the following years dues, both to be paid at the same time.